
“This is in intro text of this Fashion page clearly generic and general waffle and needs the text supplied. Above is a banner style image for display purposes. When working with the images I decided it looks better with a banner at the top but let me know if you think otherwise”

Fashion remastered

Tim Waring – Founder/Designer

This is in intro text of this Other image

This is a bit more detail to expand on the title. Short and sweet I think for this one…longer descriptions can be used at the images and the end of the page where there is lots of room at the side of the image

This image is longer compared to the above to see what happens when you add an image like this. It looks OK, but perhaps for uniformity they should be the same I will leave that up to you to decide Other image

And this is a line of smaller text not for a particularly good reason

This is a header for the corresponding image

And this text block is a longer description of what is going on in the image. This text should not be too long because it will overflow compared to the size of the image but you’ll know that once you try it.

This is a new paragraph with something else interesting to say.

You can actually have a fair amount of text and it would look OK on desktop mode but too wordy and on mobile mode it would look very wordy

It would be good to have some images that are a bit shorter – most of them are long so it does not work well for this layout too well. Perhaps better in portrait mode on a tablet.

This is yet another paragraph perhaps I am getting carried away now.

This is another header for the image

And this is another block of text. I created this style layout incase you thought it was appropriate to do so. Essentially showing a few different layouts to see which ones you like.

I cropped this one to make it more “square” but it could do with being more so. As a side note in mobile mode it makes no difference if it’s “square” as it’ll crop and the text will wrap under/over the image rather than to the side of it.

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